Ayurvedic Autumn Cleanse & Reset

November 2-10, 2024

A love letter to the self!

Join us for 9 days of cleansing, renewal and resetting your health and vitality. Building immunity and creating strong defenses against the dry, cold winter help ease us into practice of self care. Making certain food selection choices, moving in ways that invite increased lymphatic flow, and incorporating specific breath practices, we allow ourselves and our digestive systems to reset and heal.

Ayurveda utilizes foods that are seasonal, fresh, and locally available. Cleansing in this way creates sustainable shifts that strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. An Ayurvedic cleanse is not based on deprivation. Instead, it builds on our natural strength and preferences to connect to the wisdom of the body and spirit. Group support, the daily offerings and information make the process easeful and satisfying.

  • 9 Daily check-ins including readings and discussion

  • 9 Asana classes (see schedule below)

  • 1 Yoga Nidra

  • Cleanse workbook with all the information needed for a rich cleansing experience

  • Fee: $165.00 ($150 if paid via check)

To register and pay with check contact me directly at info@feelbetteryoga.com. To pay by credit card hit the button below.

what to expect

When you register you’ll receive an email to set up your:

  • Personalized doshic analysis: Learn about your unique constitution and how to tailor your cleanse to your specific needs.

  • Cleanse Guidebook: This easy-to-use manual provides clear guidance for oil use, food choices, breathing and mindfulness techniques, sinus cleansing, and more.

  • Daily Support: The online platform makes it easy to connect every day. Morning check-ins provide a chance to ask questions, share experiences, and develop a sense of community.

  • Daily Readings: Readings to spark thought and discussion, introspection and reflection

  • Asana Classes: Offered throughout to deepen the effects of your cleanse (see schedule below)

  • Yoga Nidra: Deeply restful, guided meditation will be offered on our final evening of the cleanse to fully integrate your intentions and resolutions for wellness.

  • Recipes: Cleansing is delicious! Enjoy a variety of recipes to keep your palette happy and make the cleansing process pleasurable as well as healthy.


(All classes are online and times are Pacific Daylight Time-please adjust for your time zone)

DAILY CHECK-IN: 7:00 am-7:50 AM PDT Except Sunday, November 3, 2024.

asana Class: 8:00 am-9:10 am Everyday(except Sunday, 11/3-evening asana)

SPACE IS LIMITED-SIGN UP TODAY to give yourself lots of time to prepare

Upon registration you will receive the link to all classes, cleanse notebook and information about herbs, oils and foods to plan ahead for this precious Time